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What to do in case of an accident?

  • We don't wish any player of course but what should you do if you injure yourself?

  • Download here the o ngevallenformulier.

  • Have yourself examined by a doctor and ask the doctor to complete this declaration. Do not forget that the doctor must sign the declaration. Without a doctor's signature, the declaration is not valid with the insurance !!

  • Stick a sickness fund liver in the place provided for this purpose. Without a health insurance fund, the declaration is not valid with the insurance !!

  • Don't forget to mention your account number !!

  • This declaration must be submitted to the RBFA within 14 working days after the date of the accident. The postmark is the reference date.

  • Keep all documents of doctor, physiotherapist, pharmacist, ... that you receive because of this injury.

  • If you hand in one or more of these documents to your health insurance fund (health insurance fund), take a copy in advance. Keep the original !!

  • Keep a good record of all documents that you receive from your health insurance fund (health insurance fund) regarding this injury.

  • The certificate of cure will only take effect if the RBFA has obtained the certificate from the Judicial Correspondent

  • You must hand this certificate of healing, together with all the supporting documents, to the Authorized Correspondent: Fr ederik De Ruyter - or hand it over in the canteen.

  • The Solidarity Fund of the association will partially refund the co-payment, which is the difference between the costs you incurred and the money that you already received from your health insurance fund (health insurance fund) via the account number that you mentioned on the "Accident Report ".

  • If necessary, file a declaration with your own hospitalization insurance. These sometimes cover more than the Solidarity Fund of the RBFA.


Important !!


Any extension or request for physiotherapy must be requested and approved by the FSF of the RBFA !!  

In case of hospitalization you always have to take a common room. If not, the Solidarity Fund does not repay this.

Carry out these agreements correctly if you want to be paid perfectly by the Solidarity Fund.


If the above information is insufficient or not clear enough, please contact the Authorized Correspondent: Frederik De Ruyter - (+32) 0478 / 31.09.20

Accident form


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